Tips To Improve Your Dental Billing

Tips To Improve Your Dental Billing Dental billing problems can have you put in the work but collect next to nothing in revenue. Improving your dental billing process can help you collect more revenue and save your practice. Read on to find out how to improve your...

How To Choose Your Dental Billing Software

How To Choose Your Dental Billing Software Choosing your practice’s dental billing software can be overwhelming because there are so many in the market. You need to figure out what is best for your practice based on your many needs. Read on to get tips to help you...

How To Check Your Patient’s Insurance

How To Check Your Patient’s Insurance As a rule, checking your patient’s insurance plan is a must before they reach your practice. Your patient’s insurance plans are all different; some plans provide partial and some plans full coverage for treatment. These different...

How to Pick the Right Dental Insurance

How to Pick the Right Dental Insurance Picking your dental insurance is particularly difficult because there are many factors to consider. Factors such as what kind and tips to get the best plan for you can be very difficult. Read on to understand the different types...

How To Choose Your Dental Billing Firm

How To Choose Your Dental Billing Firm Hiring a dental billing firm to save your practice money is a great idea, but you must know how to pick a dental billing firm. Read on to find out what qualities a dental billing firm must possess to help your practice.  ...


HOW TO OVERCOME DENTAL BILLING CHALLENGES Getting your payments can be very difficult as a dentist. You need to implement certain steps and rules in your practice to ensure that you get paid. Read on to find out what rules and regulations you need to implement to...